Saturday, September 8, 2012

In by Mommy


Quiet remains forced and yielded

A "let's pretend" of a once coveted and

Necessary piece of love, life and 



We (the we we created) encompasses and stands

Politely and insistently tugging around the edges

Reminding the in, the out and the all around

That survival exists on a scale


I'll balance, 

Throwing the counter upwards and down

Deciding how much of this space says "me"

And where my feet can fit


Because we can enliven quiet 

Vary it, carry it and unmask it for its truth

Give and take and remind that fluidity labels

Real and Quiet and Here

Many ways to say "that's what's in".


Friday, September 7, 2012

Rain storm Orchestra

Rain Storm Orchestra by Adie

Lightening claps like cymbals 

Thunder beats like drums 

Rain twinkles like chimes

Wind whistles piccolos and wind strums like violins 

I crash my fingers on my keyboard  

..............for I am playing with the Orchestra of the Storm!    

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Orange Poem by Adie


Orange is a color 
But also a fruit

Orange can't decide if it's
A fruit or a color

I think you should decide!
IF you're a fruit OR a color at all

Come on!  Some of us just can't bear it

Poems- Arizona Desert


Arizona Desert             

White hot sunshine 




Never sees the raindrops 

Green is only seen man made 

Shorts, Sandals

No long jeans 

Lizards, birds, spiders 

In the Arizona heatwave   

                                                                  By: Riley Grass